Is it worth it?
“Anything worth having at all is worth working for and waiting for.” - Betty Wright
I attended a funeral today. The woman that passed away was 53 years old. She left behind her husband of 35 years. They married as teenagers and made it through the storm all the way through. They went to hell and back together, but loved each other stronger every day. They were partners in life, taking on the world together until it was death that made them part.
Is this how relationships are supposed to work? When it seems like it’s time to give up and throw in the towel, are you supposed to clutch each other instead? The more days I tuck under my belt, the more I believe this is true. I believe that if you find a true partner, then that person is worth fighting for.
I’m looking a struggle ahead of me, but I think it’s worth it. Relationships aren’t simple when you drive up with a U-Haul full of boxes of relationships that ended in a broken heart, a divorce, kids (aka an ex that won’t ever go away), or any other emotional baggage associated with taking a chance with your heart in your past. It’s not simple anymore. Now, there are issues.
So, is it worth it? Is it easier to throw in the towel when the issues rear their ugly heads? You can walk away, like it all never happened. But, that doesn’t accomplish anything. What if you get through hell today and experience a piece of heaven tomorrow? What if you love each other for 35 years and then your partner dies? Was it worth it? Should you have been alone the entire time instead? Or, maybe going down with a fight gives you the peace that did all you could. Or, maybe you feel like you did it all for nothing.
When it comes down to fight or flight, I have always fled. But, this time is different. I have faith that fighting for it is the better choice. Running away would cause more pain. If I weather the storm, I know it will result in living in the warmest sunshine I’ve ever felt. There will be cloudy days ahead, but in the end, it will all be worth it.
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